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This is a never ending ordeal.

So, we couldn’t ‘close’.  I’m still not exactly sure what the hell we did.  I went ahead and gave them a shitload of money. But that was primarily so I wouldn’t have to make another trip.

The summary is, this is a probate house. The Judges order (which I guess means something) had a different price than what the seller and I agreed upon.  So we can’t close the deal until the judge amends the price, so that all the details align.  I understand that.  But it’s annoying as hell, and I’m tired of waiting.

So we signed everything like we were closing, but we weren’t closing. We’re waiting for the amended order to come back from the Court. Who knows how long that will take.  I should start a pool.  I’m guessing about a month.  When my realtor hands me keys, I know I’m good. But I don’t know when that will be.  In the meantime, the condo is getting smaller and smaller because the things we’ve been buying for the house is coming in, and we’re running out of storage space.

Oh, and I looked at the contract. We made our offer on this house July 7th, 2017. It’s been 8 freakin’ months so far.